© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
„Studia Wilanowskie”   „Studia Wilanowskie”   |   14.04.2011

Battle iconography in the foreign residences of Marie Casimire (Sobieska)

Studia Wilanowskie, 1989 r. T. XI

In the spring of 1699, following unsuccessful attempts to gain the Polish throne for the Princes Sobieski, Marie Casimire found herself in Rome where for several years she stayed at the Palazzo Odescalchi and then the Palazzo Zuccari, until in the summer of 1714 she moved to the Blois chateau in France. From the queen's letters to the Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian Emanuel, we know that her residences were filled with various battle scenes showing the military feats of her husband John III and...



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