© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   30.05.2018

End of the first stage of work in the Garden Galleries and the Lapidarium

Conservation works on polychrome decorations of ceilings and façades of the Garden Galleries and the Lapidarium at the Palace of King Jan III at Wilanów, undertaken in 2017, were completed in April 2018.

During the operation, the structure of plaster paintings by Michelangelo Palloni and neighbouring sculptures and stucco work was reinforced, defects in plaster were repaired, and the historical monuments were cleaned, revealing original polychromies. Although the paintings are very damaged, they are now more legible and have regained their old colour. Interesting discoveries were also made, including the uncovering of fragments of original ceiling structures, made of wooden and ceramic elements. After the maintenance was completed, the decorations were secured with special structures for the duration of renovation works carried out on the first floor of the palace, which caused vibrations that were harmful to the decorations.

It is worth recalling that the open galleries, which belong to the oldest areas of the palace, were exposed from the very beginning to harmful climatic factors, and repeated renovations led to changes in the aesthetics of their original décor. Since 2005, the museum has been undertaking research in order to get to know this unique complex of monuments and to prepare an appropriate conservation and restoration programme.

The works carried out so far are the first stage of long-term activities aimed at complete restoration of the Garden Gallery interiors. The methodology for further works will be selected after the completion of testing and maintenance of the remaining objects. The current project will continue until the end of 2019 and will be completed simultaneously with the completion of modernization works on the upper floors of the gallery. The structures protecting the decorations will then be disassembled and the condition of the ceilings and their decorations will be thoroughly examined.

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