© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   26.02.2021

New online guide to Wilanów palace

Use the new Wilanów Guide to tour Wilanów palace on your own. All you need is a phone or other mobile device with Internet access. The price of the guide is PLN 8.

With this guide, you can learn about the history of King Jan III’s residence and take in more details on the historical interiors, collection highlights, and inhabitants of the palace. You can choose between four thematic routes adjusted to visitors of different ages, interests and needs:

Interiors and collection: information about most important exhibits, historical facts and symbols of Wilanów palace interiors.

The Women of Wilanów: stories of exceptional women who have left their mark on Wilanów palace history.

Secrets of art conservation: case studies of restoration projects where new technologies merge with old artistic and artisanal methods.

Visiting the King: fun facts about palace owners, their daily lives and the objects they liked having around. Route for children over 6.

Translation into: Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese (simplified). All content is available as reading text and audio recordings. Selected content is audio-described. Wilanów Guide is adapted to users with hearing dysfunctions, enabling them to tour the palace on their own.

Wilanów Guide works in web browsers. To use the guide, you need to:

  • buy an access code–at the ticket office or the ticket vending machine near the cloakroom,
  • use your mobile device and connect to the Internet. You’re welcome to use the free wireless network available in the Palace courtyard,
  • enter this address: https://pwa.aiwebservices.com/c/wilanowie/ or scan QR code below,
  • accept the regulations,
  • select language,
  • enter the purchased access code.

Enjoy the guide for three hours, starting from the time of entering the code.

    We’d love to hear your feedback on Wilanów Guide. Write us at dop@muzeum-wilanow.pl to share your comments.