© Muzeum of King Jan III’s Palace at Wilanów
   |   05.10.2015

The reconstruction and adaptation of the basements in the western part of the Orangery for the purposes of the 3D Exhibit Rendering Office and for the back office for the staff of the Garden Department

The "The revitalisation and digitalisation of Wilanów, the only Baroque royal residence in Poland" project included the renovation of part of the existing basement of the Orangery building, and involved dividing the previous storage room into two parts. One of them (of approx. 80 sq. m) was turned into a measurement laboratory for the museum’s 3D Exhibit Rendering Office prepared for the purposes of scanning exhibits in 3D. The space was divided into three sections (including two rooms for robotic measurement systems). Care has been taken to ensure the highest measurement parameters (minimising ground vibrations, anti-electrostatic floor, antiglare areas) and the highest safety level (anti-burglary protection and a separate fire compartment). In the second part of the Orangery’s basement (of approx. 90 sq. m) an additional utility room was created for the staff of the Garden Department and persons performing plant nurturing services within voluntary service or training in the Wilanów gardens and parks.

The reconstruction and adaptation of the basements in the western part of the Orangery for the purposes of the 3D Exhibit Rendering Office and for the back office for the staff of the Garden Department were conducted as a part of the “The revitalisation and digitalisation of Wilanów, the only Baroque royal residence in Poland” project. The Project had secured support from the European Regional Development Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment 2007-2013 Operational Programme, Priority XI “Culture and Cultural Heritage”, Activity 11.1. Protecting and maintaining cultural heritage of over-regional importance. In accordance with the adopted Project Implementation Scheme, the investment was completed by 30 September 2015. The total value of the Project: PLN 18 854 348,06. The amount of additional financing: PLN 14 912 881,37 (European Regional Development Fund: PLN 12 675 949,15, and State Budget: PLN 2 236 932,22). For more information on the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programme please visit www.pois.gov.pl. For more information about the project please click on this link.Logo POIiŚ