Unia Europejska
European Union
Unia Europejska
European Union

Work starting on the film showing how visitors perceive the historic palace interiors

Wiadomości pożyteczne

As part of the promotion of the “Restoration and protection of the symbol of the Polish cultural heritage – the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów co-financed as part of the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014–2020” project, two films are being made. One documents the progress and effects of the project, the other shows how visitors perceive the historic palace interiors and what influences their perception.

The first film is being made according to the pace of the work on the project itself and will be presented at the end of 2019. The second one will be shown in December 2018. The first talks with the company producing the film (“Big-Art Tomasz Okoń”, whose “flagship” production is the Historia bez cenzury [History Without Censorship] show) pointed us to the idea of – in accordance with the assumptions and the “Description in visual form and proposed convention of film narrative...” attached to the tender – focus on familiarising viewers with the circumstances that result in specific decisions regarding the palace interior design. We want to base the narrative on a few key issues that often arise in the form of questions or doubts in the minds of visitors: is everything I see in the palace an original work? Why is the access to some rooms limited or completely restricted? Why is it sometimes quite dark in the palace interiors? How is the safety of the historical monuments ensured in the interiors?

We want our film to reach audiences who ask questions, often backed up by certain doubts and resentments towards the people taking care of the Wilanów palace. We want to show that many people stand behind the final effect that is the appearance of the palace exhibitions, and their decisions are based on knowledge, experience and their main goal, which is the safety of the objects – so that future generations can also admire them. The premiere of the film is planned for mid-December 2018.

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